Prime Minister Narendra Modi started 30 electric buses at the ‘Statue of Unity’ on Sardar Patel’s birthday. He wanted to make the transport more green and clean. These electric buses are made by JBM Auto, and they will take the place of the old diesel buses. This will make the tourists happy and healthy. The Prime Minister also started a bike-sharing service, a city gas service by Gujarat Gas Limited, and some golf carts to make it easier for tourists to go around the ‘Statue of Unity’.
Speaking on the occasion, Nishant Arya, Vice Chairman, of JBM Group, said, “This is a great step in ensuring clean environment around the world’s tallest statue and also helps the larger agenda of achieving NetZero by the year 2070.”
“In order to help the country adopt electric buses faster, we recently set up India’s largest bus manufacturing facility with a capacity of 20,000 buses per year. We have brought technological innovations and have now extended our ‘Make in India’ initiative to go global, thus offering our product range to global markets,” he added.
More than 100 JBM electric buses are working in Gujarat on BRTS in Ahmedabad, Gift City, and Airport. The company has orders for more than 5000 electric buses that are being used and made for different purposes and places in the world.
About JBM Group
JBM Group is a big company from India that makes different things like car parts, electric buses, and renewable energy. It has operations in more than 25 locations across 10 countries in the world. It is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of key auto systems, electric vehicles, and buses. The company was founded in 1983 by S.K. Arya and has grown to have a revenue of $2.6 billion in 2021. JBM Group has a vision of enhancing technology, enabling innovation, and empowering people.