EV Engineering

How an On-board Charger Powers Your Electric Vehicle

How an On-board Charger Powers Your Electric Vehicle

How an On-board Charger Powers Your Electric Vehicle The charger has a direct impact on the speed and efficiency of the charging. During the process, there are four essentials: the charging cable, the charging station, an on-board charger, and the battery of the EV. The on-board charger is the least known, whereas the rest are well-acclaimed. These devices are used to convert AC power coming from the charging station into DC power, which is suitable for EV batteries. In this article, we will explain the benefits, working, types, and other very important reasons of on-board chargers in an electric vehicle charging ecosystem. The Power Behind Electric Vehicles: On-board Chargers These on-board chargers act as the critical link that connects electric vehicles to their respective powers. In simple words, they behave like charging equipment, connecting electric vehicles to charging points for the facilitation of energy transfer and recharging of the vehicle’s batteries. There are two types of chargers: on-board chargers and charging station chargers, which could be further divided into AC and DC. Onboard chargers are electronic devices used in the conversion of AC power from different sources into DC power to recharge an EV battery pack. These sources range from a residential outlet up to public charging stations. OBCs not only simplify charging but also perform the function of a communicating bridge between the charging station and vehicle controllers. They ensure the proper amount of current or power is delivered to the vehicle and also check the compatibility with the right charging standard. Today, electric vehicle users can have a number of charging standards available to them across the globe. Often, each of these standards can be peculiar to a region with their particular versions in North America, Europe, and China. The electric vehicle onboard charger is considered one of the great merits for EV owners since they support scalability and flexibility. These chargers are capable of charging and discharging electric vehicles at any charging power outlet anywhere within an area. Onboard chargers automatically adjust to regional charging standards. Using information provided by either the EVSE controller or the vehicle controller, these chargers transition smoothly through multiple standards without performance loss. Onboard systems also maintain accurate voltage matching in order to protect the electric vehicle battery. EV manufacturers design the on-board charging systems with much care for specific voltage requirements at both the battery and the grid. Moreover, with EV ranges at stake, manufacturers are into minimizing the on-board charger’s weight as much as possible. It is for this reason that on-board chargers, because of permanent mounting, should have minimized weights. Another key role an onboard charger is able to serve is in bidirectional charging methods. For this reason, it can convert DC power from the high-voltage battery pack to AC power, supporting grid power, AC loads, and even the charging of other electric vehicles. On-board chargers (OBCs) offer numerous benefits for electric vehicle (EV) users: Insides of an On-board Charger The onboard chargers operate on either AC or DC. In the case of high-power AC input, the rectifier inside the OBC converts it into DC power with improved PFC. The PFC circuits reduce harmonic distortion in the supply current; therefore, there is an improvement in power quality and efficiency. OBCs generate a current waveform similar to that of a standard sine wave. The waveform is responsible for making the OBC use one phase, two phases, or three phases of alternating current. A DC-to-DC converter in the OBC is highly essential to isolate the power grid from the HV DC bus and the HV DC bus from the LV DC bus in such a way that both protective means are ensured. In the second stage of the OBC process, the output voltage is transformed into a square wave at an output of 700 V. The square wave drives a transformer that in turn supplies the electric vehicle battery with the required DC voltage. In order to monitor and control the entire charging system, EV users often utilize a CAN bus. Isolation of the CAN bus, so as to provide additional safety and reliability, can be done using digital isolators along with integrated DC/DC power converters. Finally, the OBC system feeds the necessary voltage to the electric vehicle battery for its proper and efficient charging. Types of Onboard Chargers: Single-Phase and Three-Phase OBCs, depending on the number of phases and output power, can be further divided into two categories: single-phase and three-phase. Single-phase chargers are within a range of 7.2 to 11 kilowatts of power. In the instance of a three-phase charger, the power achieved is 22 kilowatts. The type of OBC used in an electric vehicle will have a direct effect on the recharge time for the vehicle—three-phase typically being faster. Key Considerations for On-board Charger Installation When installing an on-board charger (OBC), several critical factors must be taken into account: Overcoming the Challenges of On-board Chargers The OBCs impose several design and environmental challenges on the manufacturers. The designers have to plan and design very efficient power systems within limited space. This is considered challenging for the OBCs. In this regard, the efficiency of OBC needs to be optimized by the manufacturer in order to shorten the charging time. It is expected that this segment will also have to function in very unfavorable environmental conditions: very high and low temperatures, strong vibrations, and electrical noise. Accordingly, the respective designs the engineers will develop for this OBC power system will have to be robust enough to survive such conditions and provide long-term reliability. Heat generation during charging is always a challenge to minimize. An efficient OBC design generates less waste heat, minimizing the needs of a thermal management system. However, up to date, adding heat sinks to OBC designs can increase size and weight, negatively affecting vehicle efficiency. There are also grid power factor regulations that have to be followed when charging via OBCs. Boost converters are often used for PFC by designers because they can solve many of

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Decoding Battery Cell Numbers of Cylindrical Cells

Decoding Battery Cell Numbers of Cylindrical Cells: Understanding 21700, 32700, 46800, 18650, 26650, and 32410 In the rapidly evolving world of electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage, battery technology plays a pivotal role. A crucial aspect of this technology is the design and specifications of battery cells, often identified by numerical codes like 21700, 32700, 46800, 18650, 26650, and 32410. These numbers are more than just labels; they provide specific details about the physical dimensions of the cells, which in turn influence the battery’s performance, energy density, and suitability for various applications. This article will delve into what these numbers mean, how they impact the overall efficiency of battery systems, and how various organizations in the EV industry are utilizing these specific cell types. The Anatomy of Battery Cell Numbers The numerical codes associated with battery cells such as 2170, 32700, 4680, 18650, 26650, and 32410 are standardized to describe the cell’s dimensions: For instance, in a 2170 cell, “21” refers to a 21 mm diameter, and “70” indicates a 70 mm height. These measurements are crucial for understanding the physical size of the cell and how it might fit into a battery pack or other devices. A Closer Look at Common Battery Cell Types 18650 2170 32700 4680 26650 32410 What Do These Numbers Tell Us? The dimensions encoded in these numbers directly influence several critical aspects of battery performance: Concluding the information Understanding the significance of battery cell numbers like 2170, 32700, 4680, 18650, 26650, and 32410 is crucial for appreciating how battery technology influences the design and performance of electric vehicles and energy storage systems. These numbers are not just arbitrary codes; they encapsulate vital information about the cell’s dimensions, which in turn dictate its energy capacity, thermal management, and overall suitability for specific applications. As the EV industry continues to grow, these cell types will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation and energy solutions. Companies across the industry are experimenting with these cells to optimize performance, reduce costs, and ultimately deliver better products to consumers. Join All India EV Community Click here for more such EV Updates

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Thermal Efficiency Boost: Eliminating TIMs in EV Batteries

Thermal Efficiency Boost: Eliminating TIMs in EV Batteries

Thermal Efficiency Boost: Eliminating TIMs in EV Batteries In the development of electric vehicles, manufacturers should be able to speed up with more reasonably thermal priced models. The battery pack counts for a greater portion of the price in an EV. Besides increasing the energy density in the cells and reducing production cost, optimizing the packaging of the cells is another promising avenue. The TIMs make a very important contribution within the casing of the battery pack. By helping in the transport of heat from the cells to the cooling system. But TIMs add cost to the overall. By investigating innovative ways of reducing or eliminating TIMs while maintaining effective thermal management. EV manufacturers have an opportunity to decrease their production costs and make their vehicles more affordable. The Future of TIMs in EV Batteries: A Balancing Act As the industry works to reduce and eliminate materials within the battery pack, the future of TIMs is a very hot topic. This article discusses some of the innovative methods currently in development to reduce or eliminate TIMs. Moreover, their potential impact on overall market demand. IDTechEx’s brand-new report, “Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035: Materials, Markets, and Technologies,” presents the most up-to-date view of the TIMs market in EVs. The survey of many production models finds that TIM intensity presently ranges from 0.14kg/kWh to as low as 0.005kg/kWh. This data suggests that while TIMs are indeed used in EVs today, there is a clear trend towards it. Cell-to-Pack: A TIM-Reducing Revolution Probably the most talked-about approach for reduction in the usage of materials in EV battery packs is a CTP approach. This would include removing the modules and directly stacking cells. While, significantly reducing or eliminating many components like module housing and intermodule connections. This simplified design also greatly affects how thermal interface materials are used. Instead of incorporating TIMs both internally and externally around the modules, CTP configurations require only a single layer of TIM. This radical reduction in TIM usage per vehicle could mean an average reduction of almost 50%, says IDTechEx. However the exact percentages will vary with the specific design of the battery. If anything, the design of CATL’s CTP 3.0 represents an even further extreme decrease in the usage of TIMs. As novel as it gets, expandable coolant channels lie directly between the cells. By providing enough thermal contact without needing to rely on TIMs by and large. While a small amount of TIM is still used along the edges of these coolant channels, the overall reduction is massive. While the volume of TIMs required in CTP designs is significantly smaller, these materials often play a more structural role and require stronger adhesion properties. Thermally conductive adhesives that offer much better adhesion compared to gap fillers usually come with higher prices. That means some of the cost savings from material reduction can be offset by the higher price. Beyond TIMs: Innovative Cooling Solutions for EV Batteries While a reduction in the use of TIMs is a great step in optimizing EV battery packs, some are looking at even more radical ways to eliminate TIMs altogether. A good example lies with the Irish battery manufacturer Xerotech. Its novel cooling system that utilizes fluidic polymer-based channels for coolant between the cylindrical cells. They are capable of expanding and contracting in order to fill the gaps between the cells in the overall pursuit of good thermal contact without the use of TIM. Miba, Austria, has developed the FLEXCooler, a flexible cooling channel that replaces conventional cold plates and TIMs. This design can expand to fill out the space around the cells. It could offer significant reductions in raw material use compared with aluminum cooling plates. IDTechEx reports up to 80% raw material usage reduction with FLEXCooler. Another way to eliminate TIMs altogether is immersion cooling, where the battery cells are directly immersed in a dielectric coolant. That provides excellent thermal uniformity among the cells and packs. However, at the price of higher complexity and issues regarding fluid sealing and pump selection. The consequence has been that immersion cooling has seen a main application area in high-performance, power-dense battery packs, and we anticipate this will continue to be the main application area. The Future of TIMs in EV Batteries: A Growing Demand With cell-to-pack being increasingly developed and different, more efficient ways of packaging will emerge, and the trend for TIM-free designs is likely to accelerate. But where so many different variants of battery pack designs are on the market today. While, many rely heavily on thermal interface materials. Even as the average quantity of TIM content in each EV battery is forecast to decrease, the demand for the materials will considerably increase with the growth of the EV market. For example, IDTechEx predicts that, from 2023 to 2035, the demand for TIMs will increase by a factor of 4.2 just in the EV market across vehicles in the categories of cars, vans, trucks, buses, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and microcars. IDTechEx’s new report on “Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles 2025-2035: Materials, Markets, and Technologies” offers in-depth analysis regarding thermal management strategies, components, materials, market shares, and forecasts for electric vehicles. The paper covers battery, motor, power electronics, and cabin thermal management and so gives invaluable insight into what is going to happen with TIMs and other thermal management technologies in electric vehicles. 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Part 4: Experimental results

Part 4: Experimental results In lengthy and high-precision magnetic field measurement experiments, the inherent fluctuations of the Earth’s magnetic field and the electromagnetic radiation emitted by laboratory equipment pose significant challenges to data accuracy. To ascertain the authenticity and precision of experimental data and assess the impact of background magnetic fields on results, we initiated an investigation. Initially, the fluxgate sensor was positioned within the laboratory’s geomagnetic environment and subjected to stable measurements over an uninterrupted period of 8 h, meticulously documenting the outcomes. As illustrated in Fig. 13, our findings revealed that while the background magnetic field exhibited fluctuations of approximately 10.55nT throughout the measurement period, these fluctuations were substantially smaller in magnitude compared to the targeted magnetic field range pertinent to the experiment. This revelation underscores our ability to accurately capture experimental phenomena amidst the intricate backdrop of the geomagnetic field, thus facilitating the derivation of scientifically reliable conclusions. Consequently, we posit that the influence of background magnetic fields on experimental outcomes is negligible, obviating the necessity for conducting experiments within a magnetic shield cylinder. This discovery not only streamlines experimental setups and procedures, enhancing efficiency, but also confirms the viability of utilizing magnetic detection methods to assess battery status within the geomagnetic field. Figure 13 Fluctuations of the ambient magnetic field (continuous measurement for 8 h). During the experiment, we employed the constant current discharge method to assess the battery pack, maintaining a consistent discharge current of 0.5A for a duration of 1 h. Figure 14 depicts the curves detailing the current, voltage, capacity, and energy of the tested battery pack over the course of charging and discharging. As illustrated, under the constant current discharge condition, the battery pack consistently maintains a current value of 0.5A, showcasing excellent current stability. Notably, the voltage of the battery pack remains nearly unchanged, hovering around 4.8 V at both the onset and conclusion of the discharge, indicating remarkable voltage stability throughout the discharge process. Given the parallel connection of batteries in this experiment, the output voltage remains steady even if individual batteries encounter issues. Furthermore, owing to the constant current discharge mode employed, the capacity and energy of the battery pack exhibit a linear correlation with time. This discovery furnishes a crucial experimental foundation for comprehending the performance dynamics of battery packs during constant current discharge, thereby offering valuable guidance for researchers seeking to delve deeper into battery performance optimization. Figure 14 The results of battery tests: (a) The current; (b) The voltage; (c) The capacity; (d) The energy. The magnetic field distribution image of the healthy battery pack during 0.5A discharge is depicted in Fig. 15, with each individual battery being marked with a corresponding number. Within the image, four black dotted boxes delineate the four battery slots within the box. Examination of the magnetic field distribution image reveals a degree of unevenness in the induced magnetic field distribution of the battery pack, attributable to the background field presence and the compounded effect of magnetic fields. Notably, as each individual battery undergoes discharge, current accumulation becomes apparent at positive and negative positions, leading to a discernible uneven distribution of magnetic fields in these areas. Additionally, the upper section of the image exhibits a more uniform magnetic field distribution compared to the lower portion. This disparity can be attributed to the upper part corresponding to the power bank’s monitor, where internal currents are smaller and more uniform, thus resulting in a more homogenous induced magnetic field distribution. Figure 15 Magnetic field distribution when the healthy battery pack is discharged at 0.5A. The magnetic field of the power bank is too high, to the extent that it would cover the failed positions. To observe clearer experimental phenomena, we measured the magnetic field distribution, B2, of the faulty battery pack and compared it with the magnetic field value, B1, at the corresponding positions within a non-faulty battery pack to assess the magnetic anomaly ΔB. The resulting magnetic field distribution image is presented in Fig. 16. Experimental findings reveal that in the failure of the battery at position 1, a magnetic field anomaly ranging from approximately 2000–3000 nT manifests near the fault location, forming a circular magnetic field distribution image. The maximum magnetic anomaly value recorded is approximately 2934 nT, with its location corresponding to the number of the battery’s position, indicated by the blue triangle in Fig. 16a. Similarly, as depicted in Fig. 16b, when the battery at position 2 fails, a distribution pattern akin to that in Fig. 16a emerges near the fault location, with the magnetic field anomaly peaking at around 6735 nT. Figure 16 Magnetic field distribution when the battery pack is discharged at 0.5A: (a) The battery at position 1 fails. (b) The battery at position 2 fails. In conclusion, the location of a failed battery within the power bank can be determined by identifying the location of the magnetic anomaly. This approach circumvents the need for monitoring battery pack capacity anomalies or reconstructing internal current images to pinpoint faults, thus enabling precise identification of failed battery locations. Similarly, this method can also detect defective batteries when the internal current of the battery pack increases abnormally. If some batteries within the pack experience an internal short circuit leading to an abnormal rise in current, this deviation in current triggers an abnormal increase in the magnetic field surrounding the battery pack.  Consequently, this method can detect the abnormal magnetic field resulting from the abnormal current and concurrently identify the faulty battery. The abnormal current caused by an internal short circuit often induces an abnormal rise in battery temperature. When the temperature of a lithium-ion battery surpasses 90 °C, the interface film of the solid electrolyte begins to decompose, potentially triggering a chain reaction leading to thermal runaway. Hence, it is imperative to promptly identify and investigate battery faults. However, during normal battery operation, temperature also rises, which may impede the detection of abnormal temperature, resulting in a delay in identifying anomalies. As outlined in Sect. 3.4.1, the magnetic field measurement method exhibits a faster response time compared to temperature measurement, enabling more timely detection and localization of battery pack faults. Conclusion This paper establishes a coupled 3D multiphysics model for the lithium-ion battery pouch cell by integrating electrochemical, magnetic field, and thermal models. Numerical simulations are conducted to investigate the distribution of physical fields

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Part 3: Experimental verification, Experimental setup

Part 3: Experimental verification, Experimental setup Cracks (or cuts, scratches) In the manufacturing process of batteries, potential issues such as cracks may arise from improper welding or instances of compression and impact during usage. After sealing or formation, it is difficult to obtain spatial resolved data of the battery from the outside. Utilizing magnetic field distribution maps with cracks allows for an intuitive assessment of the crack’s condition, facilitating fault detection and precise crack localization. Figure 10 shows cracks in different orientations in the lithium-ion battery. The first scenario involves a crack parallel to the X-axis located at x = 2.5 cm, y = 5 cm, with a depth of 65 μm. As evident from the current density distribution diagram, the presence of a surface current from negative to positive in the xy plane causes the current to “circumvent” the crack in the battery, resulting in higher current density at both ends of the crack. Figure 10 The current distribution of the battery when there are cracks in different directions: (a) along the x-axis; (b) along the y-axis; (c) At a 45° angle to the x-axis. For encapsulated batteries, obtaining current density distribution images from the exterior is challenging; however, magnetic field information can be easily detected through magnetic sensors. Regarding the magnetic field distribution of the battery, results similar to current distribution can be observed. As shown in Fig. 11, the magnetic field images around a battery with a crack are displayed. Apart from significantly elevated magnetic field values at the tabs, there are also abnormally high magnetic fields at both ends of the crack. Additionally, there are conspicuous gaps in the magnetic field image at the crack’s site. Through the magnetic field distribution images, the locations and quantities of cracks in the battery can be easily detected. For the charging condition of 1C, the abnormally high magnetic field values are approximately 8 × 10-8 T. From Fig. 11a, it can be noted that the abnormal magnetic field values at the two ends of the crack are different. The abnormal magnetic field values are stronger at x = 0.02 m than at x = 0.03 m. This is because x = 0.02 m is closer to the tabs of the battery, resulting in a relatively larger current flowing through this region. In addition, in Fig. 11a, the current and magnetic field at both ends of the crack are greater than in Fig. 11b and c. This is because the direction of the crack in Fig. 11a (in the x-direction) is perpendicular to the flow direction of the current in the current collector (in the y-direction). Therefore, the current needs to “circumvent” the incision at both ends, leading to two positions with abnormally increased magnetic fields. Figure 11 Magnetic field distribution of the battery when there are cracks in different directions: (a) along the x-axis; (b) along the y-axis; (c) At a 45° angle to the x-axis. Experimental verification In practical applications, the nominal voltage and rated capacity of individual batteries are often insufficient to meet the demands of high-power usage. Thus, single batteries are commonly combined to form battery packs. During the configuration process of these packs, a prevalent approach involves initially parallel connecting individual batteries to create smaller battery pack units. Subsequently, these smaller units are arranged in series to construct larger battery packs. This hierarchical configuration method is designed to enhance the overall stability of the battery pack during operation. Parallel operation effectively equalizes voltage and current discrepancies among individual batteries, thereby enhancing the performance consistency of the battery pack. Meanwhile, series operation facilitates voltage superposition to cater to scenarios requiring higher energy demands. Consequently, this parallel-then-series configuration method holds significant application value in battery system design. However, over time and with repeated cycles, the performance consistency of batteries within the pack tends to deteriorate. Research indicates that variations in capacity or internal resistance directly contribute to uneven current distribution in parallel battery packs, accelerating battery aging and diminishing overall pack performance. Moreover, low-capacity batteries may induce abnormally high currents, generating excessive heat and posing potential safety hazards. The power banks represent a ubiquitous application of battery packs in daily life. Typically, these banks comprise single batteries arranged in series, parallel, or series–parallel combinations. A dedicated circuit board governs and manages the charging and discharging processes of the batteries, ensuring each operates within a safe range. In commercial power banks, the closure of the entire battery pack due to a single battery malfunction often impedes prompt troubleshooting of the faulty unit. Based on the background, to further validate the efficacy of the model developed in this study for practical applications, this section will conduct detailed measurement procedures on an 18650-battery pack. However, acquiring faulty batteries for experi-mentation poses significant challenges. Manual disassembly or fault analysis, such as through nail penetration test, not only demands professional instrumentation and equipment but also entails inherent safety risks. Particularly with commercial power banks, unauthorized dismantling without proper equipment greatly heightens the risk of severe safety incidents, including fire and explosions. Considering these factors, the experimental design of this section adopts an innovative approach: within a four-cell compartment, batteries will be selectively removed from different locations to simulate single-cell failures within the battery pack. Furthermore, when the battery has a fault such as short circuit or particle rupture, it will produce a weak magnetic field change. This change, while not easy to detect, can be detected with sensitive magnetic field sensors. For example, fluxgate can detect magnetic field changes of ~ nT magnitude; and the SERF atomic magnetometer can detect magnetic field changes of the order of 10fT. This method allows us to effectively replicate the fault conditions of the battery pack in real-world usage scenarios while prioritizing safety. Subsequently, precise measurements will be conducted on both the intact battery pack and the simulated fault state to comprehensively assess the model’s performance in practical settings. Experimental setup When the battery is in operation, its magnetic field undergoes fluctuations during the charging and discharging processes. A magnetic sensor is employed to capture the magnetic field variations induced by the battery. This section utilizes scanning techniques to gather magnetic field data. Specifically, a fluxgate probe (with a measuring range of ± 70 μT and frequency domain noise less than 5pT/Hz1/2@1 Hz) is mounted onto a linear module sliding table,

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Part 2: Flawless cells, Internal short circuit

Part 2: Flawless cells, Internal short circuit Flawless cells First, we conducted calculations for the potential distribution, current density distribution, and surrounding magnetic field of a healthy battery. Figure 3 illustrates the potential, relative current density, and magnetic field distribution during the charging process under 4 V 1C condition. As in Fig. 3a, a non-uniform voltage distribution within the current collector is clearly observed. The voltage near the ground terminal is lower than the average voltage, while the voltage near the input ground terminal is higher than the average voltage. Consequently, the non-uniform voltage distribution results in a non-uniform distribution of current during the charging process. Figure 3 (a) Voltage distribution in the positive current collector of a flawless battery during the charging state. (b) Relative current density distribution in the separator of a flawless battery during the charging state. (c) Magnetic field distribution diagram of a fault-free battery during the charging state. The simulated results of current density distribution of the flawless cell at the middle of the separator at the beginning of the 1C charge are illustrated in Fig. 3b. In the design of lithium-ion battery pouch cell, all current exits the cell on the cell “tabs”, resulting in higher current density near the positive and negative electrode tabs. As the charging process progresses, the current density in the central portion of the cell increases. The non-uniformity in current density distribution leads to an uneven distribution of the magnetic field within the cell. As in Fig. 3c, for the charging condition of 4 V 1C, the magnetic field component images on the upper air domain surface are presented at the beginning of cell charging. According to the Biot-Savart law, the distribution of the magnetic field depends on the distribution of the current.  As can be seen that due to the instability of the current, the cell will generate a corresponding magnetic field in the surrounding space. Since the current flows from the positive collector, the current density is higher at the collector, and accordingly, the magnetic field is higher here. From the simulation results, it is evident that during normal battery operation, the magnetic field generated by the current on the designated air domain surface ranges approximately from 1 to 4 μT, with a maximum reaching 4.6 μT. Internal short circuit Battery thermal runaway refers to the phenomenon of rapid overheating within a battery characterized by an exothermic chain reaction occurring internally, leading to a drastic change in the rate of temperature rise. When a battery experiences a short circuit due to external impact or internal faults, the Ohmic heating generated by the short-circuit current leads to overheating of the battery, resulting in thermal runaway. Internal short circuit refers to the phenomenon where the separator within a battery is damaged or compromised, resulting in a direct connection between the positive and negative electrodes of the battery. The primary causes of internal short circuit faults are threefold: electrical abuse, mechanical abuse, and thermal abuse. Mechanical misuse and thermal misuse can be mitigated through the implementation of standardized battery production and usage practices, whereas electrical misuse cannot be entirely avoided through these means.  Electrical misuse is primarily induced by short circuits, overcharging, or over-discharging. In the case of a short circuit, the discharge current of the battery is substantial, generating a significant amount of polarization heat and Ohmic heat, resulting in the melting of the separator and the establishment of an internal short circuit by connecting the positive and negative electrodes. Overcharging and over-discharging, on the other hand, lead to the deposition of lithium and copper on the negative electrode. The accumulation of lithium and copper forms metal dendrites, which, with continued reaction, may penetrate the separator, causing an internal short circuit within the battery. Based on the lithium-ion cell model established in the preceding section, this section introduces a short circuit point in the physical model and constructs a coupled multiphysics model electrochemistry-magnetic field-thermal coupling. The designated short circuit point is located at x = 0.02 m, y = 0.02 m, with a dendrite radius set at 50 μm. As shown in Fig. 4a, when an internal short circuit occurs in the battery, the positive and negative electrode materials are connected through the dendrite.  It is assumed that the shape of the lithium dendrite is a cylinder with the same height as the separator in this work. At the same time, electrochemically inactive regions are set in both the positive and negative electrode domains to enhance the convergence of the model. The schematic of the mesh partition for the model is presented in Fig. 4b. Due to the significant temperature and magnetic field gradient changes in the short circuit region, the mesh is refined in the corresponding areas. Figure 4 (a) Schematic diagram of the internal short circuit of the LIB caused by the penetration of lithium dendrites through the separator. (b) The grid division diagram when internal short circuit is caused by dendrites. Figure 5 presents simulation results of the magnetic field distribution around the short-circuit region in a battery with 50 μm dendrites at 0 s, 0.001 s, 0.01 s, and 0.1 s following the occurrence of an internal short circuit within the battery’s 5-layer cells. Given that the dendrite radius is significantly smaller than the geometric dimensions of the battery, the magnetic field distribution in the dendrite region is magnified for ease of observation. From the figures, it is evident that in the vicinity of the lithium dendrite, there is a pronounced increase in the magnetic field. Simultaneously, the highest magnetic field is observed at the dendrite position, and the magnetic field variation is confined to a small space near the dendrite. In a normally operating battery, internal current flows from the negative electrode to the positive electrode. As the lithium-ion battery undergoes charging and discharging cycles during the electrochemical reactions within the liquid electrolyte, excess lithium ions combine with electrons transported from the negative electrode when the embedded lithium content in the graphite exceeds its capacity. Due to factors such as uneven current density and lithium-ion distribution, lithium ions unevenly deposit on the surface of the negative electrode, forming lithium dendrites. Once the lithium dendrite grows to a certain extent, it can penetrate the separator, causing an internal short circuit in the battery. At the onset of internal short circuit, the current flows along the lithium dendrite from the positive electrode to the negative

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Part 1: The P2D model, The Cell Model

Part 1: The P2D Model, The Cell Model Lithium-ion batteries, characterized by high energy density, large power output, and rapid charge–discharge rates, have become one of the most widely used rechargeable electrochemical energy storage devices. They find extensive applications in various domains such as electronic products, electric vehicles, and grid energy storage systems. However, the lithium-ion batteries primarily consist of flammable electrolytes and active electrode materials, under high temperature abuse or accidental conditions, the batteries may undergo thermal runaway due to exothermic reactions, potentially leading to fire incidents.  To prevent accidents, it is crucial to conduct safety testing and screening on the commercial lithium-ion batteries. Currently, common detection methods for lithium-ion batteries include disassembly characterization methods and in-situ characterization methods. Disassembly methods, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provide rich information about battery material properties. However, they may alter the internal structure during disassembly, leading to less accurate information. Moreover, invasive detection methods like disassembly can disrupt the battery structure, making it difficult to obtain accurate fault information. In-situ characterization methods, such as X-ray CT scanning offer non-destructive measurements, but their relatively slow scan speed and inability to reflect the chemical and physical changes within the battery limit their effectiveness. Therefore, an efficient and non-destructive detection method is required for monitoring and assessing the batteries. In recent years, a non-destructive fault detection method based on weak magnetic field measurements of lithium-ion batteries has emerged. This method was first proposed by Ilott et al. in 2018, focusing on a non-destructive approach to study the magnetic susceptibility of batteries. The method can detect battery defects, establish a relationship between the magnetic susceptibility and charge state, and respond to differences as low as 0.1 ppm (1 μT) in susceptibilities.  In 2020, scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM) proposed a non-contact method to detect the charging state and defects of lithium-ion batteries. They used an atomic magnetometer to measure the weak induced magnetic field around lithium-ion batteries in a magnetic shielding environment, establishing a relationship between the magnetic susceptibility and the internal defects. The magnetometer in their experiment can achieve a sensitivity of 20 fT/Hz1/2. Observations from the measurements showed a decrease in the total magnetic field as the battery discharged.  Additionally, utilizing regularized magnetic field inversion, magnetic susceptibility maps corresponding to the measured field could be generated. In 2021, researchers led by Brauchle F directly measured the current distribution in lithium-ion batteries through magnetic field imaging. Using an unshielded measurement setup with anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensors, they reconstructed the battery’s current distribution based on the measured magnetic field, achieving an accuracy of 227 mA/cm2 at a local resolution of 4 mm2. In 2022, researchers led by Bason M G from the University of Sussex utilized a magnetic flux gate array to measure the external magnetic field of batteries. Utilizing electromagnetic relationships, they extrapolated the internal current distribution within the battery, facilitating the measurement of current density on the 1 nA/cm2 scale. To assess the accuracy of magnetic field measurements, the researchers compared the magnetic field images with those predicted by a finite element model (FEM) and they found good agreement between measured and modelled fields. Their experimental results indicated that magnetic field variations could be attributed to strain and local heating. The literature mentioned inversion methods for deriving physical quantities such as current density and magnetic susceptibility for healthy batteries. However, research on the magnetic field distribution of the batteries with defects such as internal short circuits and cracks is scarce. Consequently, further research is necessary to enhance understanding of the magnetic field distribution in faulty battery scenarios. Building upon previous research, this paper proposes a new solution for lithium-ion battery detection based on magnetic field detection. By coupling the battery’s P2D model with a magnetic field model, a lithium battery-magnetic field coupling model is introduced. This model can calculate the magnetic field distribution around the battery during charge and discharge processes.  By analyzing the magnetic field distribution, the health status of the battery can be inferred, enabling the detection and localization of battery faults. The study focuses on the magnetic field distribution around batteries in the presence of internal short circuits and cracks, providing valuable insights for practical measurement and detection. In addition, the magnetic field around a commercial battery pack is measured in this work, which shows the practicability of the model to a certain extent. Model development Researchers often build electrochemical models to study electrochemical problems. In this section, a simplified multi-physics coupling model for batteries is constructed through the application of P2D electrochemical model theory and the Biot-Savart law. The P2D model Generally speaking, models for lithium-ion batteries are primarily categorized into three major classes: electrochemical behavior models thermal behavior models, and aging behavior models. The electrochemical model is a mechanistic framework that employs reaction kinetics equations to describe the operational processes of the battery from an electrochemical perspective. One of the most representative models in this category is the pseudo two-dimensional (P2D) model. The model, initially proposed by Doyle and Newman, is an electrochemical model for lithium-ion batteries based on the theory of porous electrodes. This model employs a set of partial differential equations and algebraic equation systems to describe the diffusion and migration processes of lithium ions in the solid–liquid phases within the battery, electrochemical reactions at the solid–liquid phase interface, Ohm’s law, charge conservation law, and other phenomena.  It not only accurately simulates the terminal voltage characteristics of the battery under various current excitations but also enables the simulation of the distribution of lithium-ion concentrations in the solid–liquid phases, solid–liquid phase potential distribution, and various overpotentials within the battery. The P2D model for batteries considers electrochemical reactions and the transport of lithium ions within the battery, incorporating various chemical and physical processes. Due to its higher precision, it is widely applied in research on battery capacity degradation scenarios. As shown in Fig. 1, the model posits that the battery cell comprises a positive electrode-separator-electrolyte-negative electrode assembly, in which the electrodes are porous materials and the electrolyte is in solution. The solid component consists of electroactive material particles embedded in a conductive binder matrix. The model incorporates two dimensions: the radial direction within the positive and negative electrode particles and the thickness direction of the battery electrode plates. Ln, Lsp, and Lp respectively denote the thickness of the negative electrode active material layer, separator thickness, and positive electrode active material layer thickness. The model posits that the

Part 1: The P2D model, The Cell Model Read More »

Vehicle-to-Grid Technology: An Overview

Everything that you need to to know about Vehicle-to-Grid technology Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is a system that allows electric vehicles (EVs) to not only draw energy from the grid for charging but also to feed stored energy in their batteries back to the grid when needed. This creates a dynamic interplay between EVs and the power grid, enabling various benefits for both grid stability and EV owners. Definition and Concept of V2G V2G technology powers bi-directional charging, which makes it possible to charge the EV battery take the energy stored in the car’s battery, and push it back to the power grid. While bi-directional charging and V2G are often used synonymously, there is a slight difference between the two. While bi-directional charging means two-way charging (charging and discharging), V2G technology only enables the energy to flow from the car’s battery back to the grid. V2G technology involves EVs supplying electricity back to the power grid to meet the energy demands in peak hours. V2G technology synchronizes thousands of EVs, acting as a decentralized energy system. It supplies power during peak demand, charges during low demand, and balances the grid. This orchestration is known as a Virtual Power Plant (VPP).  Unlike traditional power plants, VPPs use cloud-based software to control thousands of battery systems to create a virtual large-scale generator or storage system and to combine various energy resources like solar panels, batteries, and EVs. How V2G Fits into the Broader Smart Grid Ecosystem A smart grid is an electrical network system that uses information technology to manage energy consumption, optimize energy efficiency, and integrate renewable energy sources. V2G technology is a key component of a smart grid, as it enables EVs to communicate with the grid and provide various services to support the grid operation. Some of the services that V2G can offer to the smart grid are: Frequency regulation: V2G can help maintain the balance between the supply and demand of electricity and keep the grid frequency within a certain range by adjusting the charging or discharging rate of EVs. Voltage support: V2G can help ensure consistent and stable voltage levels in the grid by injecting or absorbing reactive power from EVs. Peak shaving: V2G can help reduce the peak demand for electricity and lower the stress on the grid by discharging EVs during high-demand periods and charging them during low-demand periods. Load shifting: V2G can help shift the electricity consumption from peak to off-peak hours by charging EVs when the electricity price is low and discharging them when the price is high. Backup power: V2G can help provide emergency power to the grid or individual households in case of a blackout or a natural disaster by using the stored energy in EVs. The Role of Electric Vehicles in V2G Systems Electric vehicles are essential for V2G systems, as they provide the storage capacity and the flexibility to interact with the grid. EVs can act as a distributed energy resource, benefiting both the grid and the EV owners. For the grid, EVs can help mitigate the challenges of integrating renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, which are intermittent and unpredictable. By using V2G technology, EVs can store the excess renewable energy when it is available and feed it back to the grid when it is needed, thus smoothing out the fluctuations and enhancing the reliability of the grid. For EV owners, V2G technology can provide an opportunity to earn revenue by participating in the grid services and selling the electricity back to the grid at a higher price. V2G technology can also reduce the cost of ownership and extend the battery life of EVs by optimizing the charging and discharging cycles. Technical Architecture of V2G Systems The Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) concept represents a technological evolution, transforming electric vehicles (EVs) into dynamic components of the smart grid. By enabling bidirectional energy flow, V2G systems not only allow EVs to be charged from the grid but also supply electricity back to the grid. The technical architecture of V2G systems is intricate, comprising several key components and protocols designed to ensure seamless operation, efficiency, and reliability. Components of V2G Systems 1. Electric Vehicles (EVs): Battery Specifications: Central to the V2G system, EV batteries must have adequate capacity, durability, and compatibility for bidirectional charging. Specifications such as energy capacity (measured in kilowatt-hours, kWh), charge/discharge rates (kilowatts, kW), cycle life, and state-of-health (SoH) metrics are critical. Modern EV batteries commonly use lithium-ion technology, offering high energy density and efficiency. Onboard Chargers: These devices convert AC electricity from the grid to DC for charging the EV’s battery and vice versa. Onboard chargers must support a bidirectional flow of electricity for V2G applications, necessitating high efficiency and compatibility with various power levels and grid specifications. 2. Charging Stations: Types: Charging stations for V2G can range from Level 1 (basic, slow charging from a standard electrical outlet) to Level 3 (fast charging, DC fast chargers). For effective V2G applications, Level 2 and Level 3 chargers are most relevant, providing the necessary speed and efficiency for energy transactions between EVs and the grid. Connectivity: These stations are equipped with advanced communication capabilities to manage charging schedules, monitor battery status, and control the bidirectional flow of electricity. Connectivity also encompasses internet and network connections to facilitate real-time data exchange with grid operators and energy management systems. 3. Communication Infrastructure: Protocols and Standards: Ensuring interoperability and secure data exchange between EVs, charging stations, and the grid requires robust communication protocols and standards. This infrastructure supports transmitting commands, status updates, and energy transactions. V2G Communication Protocols 1. ISO/IEC 15118: This international standard outlines the communication protocol between electric vehicles and charging stations, pivotal for V2G systems. It specifies the technical framework for managing the charging process, including discovery, connection setup, payment authentication, and the bidirectional transfer of energy. Importantly, ISO/IEC 15118 facilitates plug-and-charge functionality, secure communication, and dynamic control of charging and discharging processes based on grid demands. 2. Other Relevant Standards and Protocols: DIN SPEC 70121: Specifies digital communication between EVs and the electric

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How are battery cells made? An overview of the electrode fabrication, cell assembly, and formation processes

Unveiling Battery Cell Manufacturing: An Insightful Guide

Battery Cell Manufacturing: An overview of the electrode fabrication, cell assembly, and formation processes In the pulsating heart of technological progress lies the intricate world of battery manufacturing. This eight-part blog series is set to unravel the layers of processes, unveil the machinery orchestrating this intricate dance, and shed light on the meticulous quality control measures that ensure the reliability of these energy powerhouses. Prepare for a deep dive into the fascinating realm where science meets engineering, exploring the birth of batteries from raw materials to the final product ready to power our electric dreams. Part one sets the stage, focusing on the foundational steps of electrode fabrication, cell assembly, and the crucial formation process. Join us on this journey as we decode the secrets of battery manufacturing—one charge at a time. Fig1: Schematic of LIB manufacturing processes (Source: ScienceDirect) 1. Electrode Fabrication: Unveiling the Heart of the Battery 1.1 Cathode Production: At the heart of every battery lies the cathode, typically crafted from a concoction of metal powders, binders, and conductive materials. The result is a paste, a cathode slurry if you will. This paste is then skillfully coated onto a metal foil, often aluminum. The meticulous drying process follows, setting the stage for the cathode’s pivotal role in the electrochemical dance within the battery. 1.2 Anode Production: The anode is made from a combination of metal powder (often graphite), a binder, and a dash of conductive magic, just like its counterpart. The coating of this anode slurry onto a different metal foil—often copper—takes place. The anode is ready to join the battery orchestra with the precision of a painter’s brushstroke. 2. Separator Coating: The Guardian between Cathode and Anode A battery’s separator is the unsung hero, preventing the cathode and anode from locking horns and causing short circuits. Picture a porous membrane, its surface adorned with a thin layer of ceramic material. This separator acts as the mediator, allowing ions to travel between the cathode and anode while maintaining order in the electrochemical realm. 3. Cell Assembly: Bringing Components Together 3.1 Stacking: The cathode, separator, and anode – the trinity of battery components – come together in a harmonious dance, often referred to as the “jelly-roll” or “stacked” configuration. This assembly, resembling a rolled-up carpet of energy potential, finds its home within a cylindrical or prismatic cell casing. 3.2 Electrolyte Filling: Every party is complete with the right mix, and for batteries, it’s the electrolyte. This conductive solution fills the cell, providing the necessary medium for ions to traverse between the cathode and anode during the electrochemical tango. 3.3 Sealing: To prevent leaks and maintain a controlled environment, the cell is sealed. This step is crucial for the longevity and safety of the battery, ensuring that the electrochemical symphony unfolds within predefined boundaries. 4. Formation Process: The Birth of Battery Potential The formation process marks the initiation of the battery’s journey. The cell undergoes its inaugural charge, a ritual that stabilizes the electrochemical processes within. This phase sets the stage for optimal performance, transforming the battery from a mere assembly of materials into a reliable powerhouse. 5. Final Testing and Packaging: Ensuring Peak Performance 5.1 Capacity Testing: Before a battery earns its stripes, it undergoes rigorous capacity testing. This step scrutinizes the cell’s ability to hold a charge, ensuring that it meets predefined performance standards 5.2 Packaging: With the stamp of approval from quality control, batteries are meticulously packaged. Whether destined for one-time use in a disposable battery or geared for the repeated charge-discharge cycles of electronic devices or electric vehicles, each battery is carefully prepared for its role in the energy ecosystem. In conclusion, the journey from electrode fabrication to the final packaged battery is a symphony of materials, precision, and quality control. It’s a dance of science and engineering, resulting in the power sources that drive our electric future. As we marvel at the sleek design of our EVs or tap away on our devices, let’s take a moment to appreciate the intricate ballet happening within those unassuming battery cells. After all, they’re the unsung heroes powering our electrified world. Join All India EV Community Click here for more such informative insights

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What are the main equipment and tools used in battery manufacturing? A guide to the coating, slitting, winding, welding, filling, sealing, and testing machines

Equipment’s used in EV battery manufacturing

Battery Manufacturing: Equipments and tools used. A guide to the coating, slitting, winding, welding, filling, sealing, and testing machines. As the electric vehicle (EV) industry continues to gain momentum in India, the demand for high-quality batteries has surged. Batteries are the heart of EVs, and their manufacturing process is intricate, requiring specialized equipment and tools. This article delves deep into the world of battery manufacturing highlighting the main equipment and tools used in various stages of production. 1. Coating Machines- Coating machines apply a layer of electrode material onto a metal foil, known as the current collector. This electrode material is crucial as it stores the energy in a battery. ➡️ The machine spreads a liquid mixture, called a slurry, onto the current collector. ➡️ The slurry contains active materials that store energy. ➡️ Once coated, the material is dried to leave behind a thin, uniform electrode layer. 2. Slitting Machines- After coating, the electrode rolls are too wide for individual batteries. Slitting machines cut them to the right width. ➡️ The machine uses sharp blades to cut the rolls without causing damage. ➡️ It ensures that the edges are smooth and free from imperfections, which could affect battery performance. ➡️ These are wound together in a tight roll, often referred to as a “jelly-roll” due to its appearance. 3. Winding Machines-  Batteries have layers of material rolled together. Winding machines help in this process. ➡️ The machine takes the anode (positive electrode), cathode (negative electrode), and a separator (prevents short-circuiting). 4. Welding Machines- To extract energy from our “jelly-roll”, we need to connect it to the battery’s outer terminals. Welding machines make this connection. ➡️ Tabs (small metal pieces) are attached to the anode and cathode. ➡️ The welding machine securely attaches these tabs to the battery casing, ensuring a strong connection. 5. Filling Machines-  Batteries need an electrolyte, a medium that allows ions to move between the anode and cathode. ➡️ The filling machine injects the electrolyte into the battery cell. ➡️ It’s crucial to ensure no air bubbles are trapped, as they can affect battery performance. 6. Sealing Machines- To ensure the electrolyte doesn’t leak and contaminants don’t enter, batteries are sealed tightly. ➡️ The machine uses heat or ultrasonic vibrations to seal the battery casing. ➡️ This seal ensures the battery’s internal environment remains stable. 7. Testing Machines– Before batteries reach our vehicles or devices, they undergo rigorous testing to ensure safety and performance. ➡️ Machines test various parameters like energy storage capacity, internal resistance, and behavior under extreme conditions. ➡️ Only batteries that pass these tests make their way to the market. Conclusion Battery manufacturing is a blend of art and science. Each step, from coating to testing, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the battery’s efficiency and safety. As we embrace the EV era, understanding these processes helps us appreciate the marvels of engineering that power our future. Stay connected with All India EV for more deep dives into the world of electric vehicles and battery technologies. Explore the Engineering Marvel of EV Industry with EV Engineering at All India EV Join the All India EV Community

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